About Us
We are Aspire Together. A non-profit 501(c)3 located in Milwaukie, Oregon. Our ultimate goal is to build a community center and safe place for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities (I/DD). As past providers ourselves, we understand the need for an inclusive place for community partnerships and opportunities to develop social, life, and employment-related skills. Partnering with provider agencies and residential homes in the community, Aspire Together wants to help individuals grow by providing activities, communal areas, and job learning opportunities. Our garden will be the first program of many that will help foster independence and growth for people in the ID/DD community. Our goal is to teach members the process of growing a garden, develop better understanding of healthy foods and concepts, harvest and sell produce for profit at the local farmer's market. While also working on money management skills through running a market stand where each individual will learn the fundamentals of monetary value, cash transactions, and be able to see the benefits of their work by keeping their earnings.
Please join us in Aspiring others in your life to grow and foster independence.
Plans for the Future
Our future plans are to build a community center designed specifically for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities. The center would be available for use by all members of CDDPs and Brokerages, Provider Agencies, PSWs, residential homes, and individuals in the Portland Metro area. We are currently and continue to seek out funding to make our dream possible! Stay tuned for more details.
The Benefits of a Community Garden
The garden environment promotes more than social connection, trust, and reciprocal relationships—it provides something to which anyone can belong.
Provides fresh, affordable produce
By harvesting and selling fresh produce to local farmer's market, and/or giving to family members and friends. Improves air quality and water infiltration in community. Reduces water run-off and food transportation costs.
Builds a sense of community
Gardens are a diverse place where people come together to form a community that is working towards one common goal. This allows for the creation of social ties and builds a greater feeling of community.
Gets people active & improves physical and mental health
Increases physical activity through garden maintenance activities.
Studies have shown therapeutic benefits for people recovering from psychological ailments such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mental and emotional diorders. Benefits for aging seniors; and improved attention in children with Attention Deficit Disorder.
Educates about gardening, nature & cooking
Reduces food scarcity, improves dietary habits through education on nutrition and the health benefits of each plant grown. Increases intake of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Get Involved in the Volunteer Program
Interested in volunteering with the community garden program? Learn how to participate in upcoming opportunities.
Plot Holders
Currently, there are 12 garden box plots. Plot holders are required to visit a minimum of 1 day per week. Although, it is highly encouraged that plot holders visit 2-3x per week to water and keep up their plot. Plot holders will record their time in the garden by logging each visit in the log book at the garden site.
Please contact your volunteer garden managers for specific volunteer opportunities and details at ApsireTogethernonprofit@gmail.com